Sweet Tea… in Italia!

Italy, Amazing Food, Love and Wine Y'all!

Picture taken from outside my favorite restaurant in town from our table

First and foremost, I finally broke down and got on the scale. and I was 2 kg down from where I was the last time I had gotten on the scale. So week one was a success. I’m still following this purple plan thing from Weight Watchers. I say still following, but on a percentage scale, I would say a solid 89.5%-90%.

Yesterday I had the most productive day I have had in a long time. My friend Katrin gave me a lamp that her cat demolished the lamp shade. So we went to the fabric store the other day, and I picked out some fabric and some trimming ribbon and for 7euros I was on my way out the door.

I managed to finish that yesterday.

started off with the two rings of the lamp.
This is the finished top half.

The lamp is really long, and so is the lampshade. The lampshade is 150cm.

There are three spots for lightbulbs, which I had none, because Ikea uses odd sized bulbs. Those are on my list of things to buy today. (I have a lot of crap to do today). I was really pleased with the way it came out, and I can’t wait to see it lit up.

While I was doing that, I had to go pick up the two pieces of my armadio that we had ordered last week. So I brought all 4 big boxes of that home. But, I haven’t started on that yet.

I also managed to make new curtains for my balcony door.

They are absolutely beautiful!

Then, after Nicola closed the bar, he said he wanted to go out to eat. So we wound up going to our friends restaurant in town. I was good. I usually tell the chef to make whatever he wants. He knows I love fish and seafood, so he usually makes something. But since I’m trying to make better decisions about food, I ordered a salad with shrimp. Nicola had Gnocchi with gorgonzola…………… My god it looked good.

Since our new bed arrived and I don’t have a container bed anymore, I had to take all the sheets and blankets out from the container and go find the vacuum sealing bags. I got all of that done and sealed and put away yesterday. I got everything sealed up, but I feel like it is already August and the cooler weather is not that far away.

I’m not so good with cm measurements and I bought really HUGE bags…

And lastly yesterday I made a bread with an extra mango. A Coconut Mango Bread. It was super good, I think it would be good with pineapple as well.

In fact I cut up a pineapple today, it is in the fridge getting nice and cold.

That was about it for yesterday. Today I also hit the ground running. One of my first friends here, is actually a good friend of Nicola’s. He is a machinist and makes guns and gun parts and customizes all things metal. And he happens to love American bbq. He goes to the shot show in Vegas a lot, and his English is pretty good. Needless to say, we have a bunch of stuff in common with the guns and bbq. Well he, Diego, came and picked me up this morning and we went to the market to get a whole buttload of meat for a BBQ tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Nicola’s birthday, and I have organized a huge plan of epic proportions for tomorrow. I think we have about 30-35 people coming. He knows there is a party, but he doesn’t know who and how many are coming. And yes I’m writing about this here, but he also doesn’t speak english well at all….. haha.

But the plan for tomorrow is BBQ and then I am going to make a few different dips. I’m going to list them, and then after I take pictures and write all the recipes down, I will link it all together.

I am also going to make a tier cake of affetatti, which is going to be super cute.

And also a Pistacchio Mortadella Cheesecake.

Nicola doesn’t like Sweets, but he loooooves the hell out of salty stuff, so I’m going to try to make this. we will see how it goes.

And speaking of all of that. I need to finish making sure I have everything that I need at the store written down and get to the store, then get to work.