Sweet Tea… in Italia!

Italy, Amazing Food, Love and Wine Y'all!

As of midnight last night, Italy is in complete lockdown yet again for easter. That makes the 2nd Easter, not being able to leave our houses, and just another major holiday we have not been able to celebrate.

We have been in the red zone for about a month now, in lockdown with restrictions. Bars are closed, Restaurants are closed, Businesses are closed. We look like a post depression town. The only things open are pharmacies and supermarkets. In the supermarket you are not allowed to buy anything that is not a necessity. Meaning, I see the books are marked off but you can buy a magazine. magazines, because they sell them in the convenience stores, which are still open. Banks are by appointment only, all government buildings are by appointment only. I guess this is what it is like to live in a dictatorship. But, whatever. I was a bit taken back by going back in the red zone when we heard it was happening. And in fact, I have had a bad case of the “I don’t give a rats a$$”.

I feel like the weather forecast is rigged, because they have put that it will be cold and raining for all of easter, and this forecast started yesterday. It was 26C here yesterday with no clouds in the sky. This morning it is already 14C, I wish I could have a job, where I could tell lies everyday and still get paid a hefty salary. Well maybe the meteorologist isn’t the only one that can get paid to lie, we also have some lawyers and all politicians that make bank telling lies.

Moral is not low, but it is not high. My poor husband is ready to open the restaurant, seeing the bar and food industry here go down the drain is really depressing. We are fortunate, because we are not paying rent on empty space, like all of the bars and restaurants right now, paying rent and not making money. After a year of this everyone is in trouble. it will be interesting to see who will still be able to be open after this pandemic is over, and who can withstand the storm. it is a damn shame.

I have no drive the past few days and in fact, I’ve been putting off everything that I need to do, and now I’m way behind. And Easter… Well, no sense in cooking all the fun stuff if we all can’t be together to eat it.

That being said, I am going to make the classic Italian Easter bread, cuddura cull’ova. But, I had started making these cute, crochet easter eggs. But, it’s too late for all that now. I made like 6, and that’s that. The curtains I started making are not made, in fact everything is way behind! haha.

After this lockdown I’m going to get back to my normal goal oriented self!

If you think about the things going on right now in Myanmar, the war, the pointless dead. We are all fortunate to be here.