Sweet Tea… in Italia!

Italy, Amazing Food, Love and Wine Y'all!

I made it back to Italy just in time for the quarantine, which after seeing the toilet paper crisis in america, I can honestly say I’m happy I am here and not there.
When my plane landed in Milan, an airport worker stopped us before we got off the plane, let me just say there was only about 40 people on that plane, and it was a big ass 767.
But she said that over night, while we were flying, the president of America declared a travel ban and that if we wished to return to our country, we needed to stay on the plane.  There was a long pause and someone asked a question and the pilot answered but some didn’t understand english so I translated. I don’t even remember what it was now, but, it doesn’t matter.
I had spoke with some of the steward and stewardesses and they were all in fear of their jobs.  I understand.  Because world travel bans were about to make the airline companies hurt where it hurts the most, in their pockets.

I asked if I could get off the plane and the airport worker said yes, I went through a health check and thanked the poor guy taking my temperature and asking me questions. Then went on to the dogana office and registered Rollo, My sweet sweet Rollo was able to come home with me!!!
I talked with those guys for a while and then I exited the Airport to be greeted by the news, they were quick to ask me where I came from, so I reluctantly told them America and then I was explaining the events that transpired on my flight and once we landed and the news reporter asked me how i felt about the virus, I told her, I really didn’t care, and I wasn’t sure what the big fuss was because the influenza kills more people every year and no one makes a big deal over it…
I was back in italy for about a week before we got quarantined.
This really isn’t as bad as it seems.  I will tell you I am sick of american news and the fact that they are treating us like a war zone.  and if everyone is feeling so bad for us, why is Cuba and Russia the only people helping us?
Here it was just weird to get started,  anyone out side of a nuclear family was not allowed to gather. ok.  we stayed our 1 meter distance, then they started closing down all non essential stores.  Then Restaurants.. and then Everything was closed except Medical services (hospital, pharmacy etc) and Grocery Stores. Banks are open but you have to call, you can’t just go to the bank and do your stuff now.
Anyways, we are quarantined to our houses, one person from a family can go to the grocery store and everyone has a piece of paper saying they can go.  I am not in an area considered “red zone” so I know it is not as strict as it is in other places here.
But,  the grocery stores here are fine, no one has wiped the place out of toilet paper or bought up all the food.  I do know that the stores aren’t ordering as much since the volume of people is down, we went from going to the grocery store every day to going once a week and doing big shopping.
But, week 1 wasn’t bad.  Monday, I slipped into some yoga pants and a t-shirt and cleaned the kitchen, I mean deep cleaned the kitchen. Tuesday, Cleaned the bathroom and did laundry of sheets then cleaned the balcony, scrubbed the tile, cleaned the grill, knocked down cob webs from the winter and got that all looking good. Wednesday: bed room day, cleaned out some clothes, rearranged some things, hung some pictures. Thursday: i did a whole bunch of nothing..  The sun was out, I sat in the sun on the balcony and that was that..
Week Two, wasn’t bad either, I went off my normal diet towards the end of the week and stopped working out.  Decided this is the moment in my life I have been waiting for.  An Antisocial person being told to stay home and not talk to people, not to brag or anything, but, I’ve been doing that my whole life.  Mid week last week was when they told us the pista ciclabile was closed.   which meant I can’t go for walks.  So the dogs and I have been just staying around the house and I haven’t been going on my walks. I think that depressed me.
But, This week, I started back working out. and slowly I’ll get back to normal eating, but we made pasta yesterday and omg if you have never had fresh pasta, you are missing out in your life.
I have started trying an new drink every day.  I recently tried an old fashioned..  I love it.  but, all the bourbon is gone, so i’m using whisky instead.. haah also, the past two or three days have been cool, not bad cool, but the damn wind was bad, so I stayed in the house.
Last week I decided to start working on finishing up a diplomat I was trying to work on before I left America.  and now I am only like 3 modules away from being done with the work and having to do case studies.
I was also supposed to be going back to work once I got here…. and now we are on hold for that.
But, All in all… Things are good here.   Don’t believe everything you read in the news.  and if you guys get quarantined like we are, just go along with it. it’s not taking your rights away, it’s forcing all the stupids to stop making bad decisions and stop spreading this virus.  In my opinion, something else is going on underneath all of this.  who is to blame I have no idea, but a virus with a claimed 2% fatality rate has shut down countries and crashed world markets and banned travel….. Just saying, in my opinion something else is going on.
Stop hoarding toilet paper and mass buying things. be nice to people and help the elderly. only go to the store and take what you need, it’s not that hard of a thing to do, we are doing it here in my town. and don’t take this opportunity to loot places.  I can’t help but remember the black out in new york or “freaknick” in atlanta. People just take advantage of bad situations and destroy businesses small and large.  It doesn’t help anything in the end. people should stop being selfish and start being nice to people again. 

Gemma is not interested in anything these days

This was a great day, Rollo went swimming in the river, i was so proud of him, he was so brave to jump in.
waiting to see what we were doing next.  He is on a diet, and he has lost 2kg…. we are working on the weight thing.
Sitting on the balcony enjoying the weather

Zucchine bread.

OMG this was a coffee plumcake… with coffee glaze…. omg……

Trying out the grill

Fresh made whole grain pasta yesterday

Regular pasta we made yesterday.