Sweet Tea… in Italia!

Italy, Amazing Food, Love and Wine Y'all!

left the lights on at the castle for me

I went back to America for a visit and to finish up on some bullshit loose ends.  I am full divorced from my ex gas-lighter and back to using my maiden name.

no big real news to add on the divorce except I feel like I got raped by lawyer fees.  Apparently Divorce is a game of attorneys and they all get rich off of your heartache and misfortune..

In some odd news, I managed to put most of my anger into about 30k words of a book I started writing.  I did wind up getting stabbed in the back by one more person who I thought was my friend.
Good to know nothing has really changed in that place but me.

Things I noticed in my 6 week trip.

Things I realized about America:  
The convenience of everything open 24 hours a day.
Everything really is sold in bigger quantities.
The quality of the food sucks.
Food doesn’t have much flavor.
Restaurants that used to be my “favorite” had started to suck.
The stores are really huge.
Food is super expensive in the grocery stores.
And there is no place to walk.

Odd things I actually missed about Italy:
The Bidet (yes)
Less complicated menus
Ordering a coffee is just a coffee
Walking everywhere
Not driving

I’m sure there is more stuff.. but, this is all that is in my mind at the moment.
Anyways in big news, I finally have Rollo here with me!
and we made it on one of the last planes out of America headed for Italy.
Once we were on the ground and parked at the gate, a worker from the airport came on the plane and was explaining that america had declared travel to italy dangerous due to the new end of the world virus that is in circulation, and this was the last plane that was coming to italy from american and united airlines.  And she went on to further explain that if we wanted to go back to america to stay on the plane and they would take us back.
Now the flight was a bit odd, there was only about 45 of us on the plane. I got upgraded to a bulk head seat with Rollo and that was about it.  I did speak some with the crew on the flight and they were all worried about their jobs and the impact of this bs on tourism.  I completely understand what they were saying.
But, after the announcement, I asked if i could exit the plane and the lady said yes of course. and I went on my merry way.
I got stopped by the health check just like everyone else, I didn’t have a temperature, runny nose and I was coughing so I was good to go. 
I went into the dogana office for Rollo and got him all registered and off we were headed back home.
I was tired, I mean dead tired, but I was so tired I couldn’t sleep, it was bad.  and I thought I was ok tuesday, but it hit me like a ton of bricks on Wednesday, I got up and went to town, then came home about 10:30 and slept until about 3, then went to sleep at 9 and slept all through the night and now I’m doing alright back on my normal schedule.

Rollo is a bit pudgy and I have been taking him on walks everyday.  Yesterday we might have over done it, we walked up to the cemetery and church on the hill and back down and around, all together 3km.  He was tired.. So tired he didn’t even want to go out to pee that night, but we made it out.

Gemma was so happy to see Rollo that she didn’t even say hi to me until after her and Rollo were done running around and jumping all around.

Back together again

They Missed each other!!!

Taking a break on our walk yesterday