Sweet Tea… in Italia!

Italy, Amazing Food, Love and Wine Y'all!


My mother in law is out of town, with my uncles and a few of the people that live in our village that are like family. And I am here with my father-in-law, brother-in-laws and my husband.

I have been preoccupied with the fact that my quantum biofeedback machine finally came in the mail! And it came with 5 training manuals. So I have been doing that, going to the garden and picking the vegetables, trying to keep the house in order and trying to get everything in order to open up my new office, as well as my editor is sending lots of pages for me to finish editing my book. In short. I am behind. But not stressed out.

It is almost oktoberfest, and today Nicola and my father-in-law went to Germany to get many kegs of beer from a old old family brewery there.

They usually buy enough to get the bar through the oktoberfest. Thinking of Oktoberfest, I need to get out my dirndle and see if it fits……. oops.. I did loose 1kg, last week, but this week I was up, but I think it is because I ate some salty salty polenta chips and today I woke up with my hands swollen and dry. I. feel. Dry. I have drank 2 liters of water already. uff.

It was late night and I wanted it… I know better, and today I remember why I know better than to eat salty salty food like that.

The weather is changing and it’s beautiful today. Crisp and Cool. The colder weather vegetables are coming in and I picked about all that was left of the summer veggies the other day.

One super sized zucchini, some fresh grapes and peppers, and an apple.
Gemma leading the way to our veggie garden.

You have to walk through the vineyard to get to the garden, I tell you life is tough!

Remember the other week I mentioned the pastry chef from Sicily and the Brioche that I wanted to try?

I went and had it. Oh my God it was good. I told my friend Katrin to meet me there at like 8:30 in the morning, she said it was super early. But, she woke up early for me anyways 🙂

08:30 and no one around!

We decided to half our brioche and so we could both try the pistacchio and the nociola.

This brioche was awesome, it reminded me of the impasta for sfogliatella. It was awesome. Also, the pistacchio wasn’t really super sweet but it was dense, I liked it a lot. I want to try just the plain one. I think I would like it better, because normally I eat brioche “empty” as we call them.

Speaking of brioche, I went to do yoga at a healthfood store here with my friend, she is a instructor and wanted to start doing some lessons there. So I went to the group lesson to support her. And the lesson came with some juice and a brioche. all vegan. I’m not knocking vegans. But, the brioche was not good, I did not like it. And it sat in my stomach all day. And the Juice. I don’t want to talk about it.

Moving right along, my friend is on vacation this week, so we have a bunch of girl plans for this week. And that means, I will take a bunch of pictures and get more behind on stuff I need to do!