Sweet Tea… in Italia!

Italy, Amazing Food, Love and Wine Y'all!

Birthday Puppy Cake

2 tablespoons peanut butter
4 tablespoons flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
4 tablespoons water

For the Frosting
2 tablespoons plain greek yogurt
1 tablespoon peanut butter
Dog Treats for Decoration
Add the ingredients to a bowl and stir until well-combined, I used a whisk, The dough is thick…

Prepare a muffin pan with 2-4 baking cups.Divide the dough between the baking cups.

Heat for 15 minutes in a preheated oven at 350*F.

While they are baking, make the frosting, so you can frost the cupcakes when they come out.
For the Frosting, super simple, mix it all together in a bowl. And once the cupcakes are out of the oven spread the frosting on top.
Then decorate with dog treats or dry dog food.
Birthday Girl Helping clean up
Waiting for everyone to get the pictures
mmmmm mmmm mmmmm it looks good

Today is Gemma’s 4th birthday, So I remembered last year I was in Napoli for her birthday and she had to spend it without me and I felt pretty bad. So I decided to get on the lookout for a dog friendly recipe, holy crap pintrest is full of them, some are very intricate and some are super stupid and unhealthy so I got a good idea that it’s just like making a muffin in a mug…  So here is what we got.
Gemma and Rollo had a lunch party, I figure now today they will sleep all afternoon with their bellies full.  I’m not even going to lie, I tried the batter.. it was good… bland but good :
Rollo is super happy to have his own cupcake
it sure is a beautiful day today