Sweet Tea… in Italia!

Italy, Amazing Food, Love and Wine Y'all!

Gemma depicted how I was feeling about thanksgiving.

I was waiting, staring at the table like…..well Gemma…
The Wednesday before, Elena and I prepared all that we were going to make, She prepped all the potatoes and butternut squash.  We carefully decided what to make first, before the cheesecake, because the cheesecake has to stay in the oven all night long..
Thursday, we didn’t have much to do, just cook, so I waited for my brother to get to the house, and Made us some Irish coffee, then we all went over to my parents house, where my mom didn’t want to put out any of the goodies.. Soooooo, I took it amongst myself to start on her homemade onion dip and some cape cod chips.. I mean it is Thanksgiving.. Might as well get sick off of food…
Elena and I headed back to the ranch so, I could feed horses and we could start cooking what needed to be cooked..
Finally, Everyone was there, Some good friends, and family.. It was a great time!
This was a feast for kings… My mother made the best dressing she has ever made…  and my dad carved up the turkey.. a…. That being said… My friend Leslie and Kasey and I made it through 5 bottles of wine!!!
I literally ate, until I could have exploded.. seriously… and then the venetian hour was upon us..
From the nutella cheesecake, the pumpkin custard cake and apple pie… you could have rolled me out of their house..

Zeus this chilly morning
Saturday Elena and I went trail riding with my friend Leslie, and we met two other women that were horse enthusiasts.. 
Elena rode Leslie’s Horse Moose and he is a tank! I rode my Tattoo, we rode for a good 4 hours and stopped and had lunch on the way..
Tattoo and I blazing trails

see that baby on the right… that’s one of our stallions babies 🙂

Elena and Moose
Today, I guess we will do the Sunday thing and Go Grocery shopping for this weeks culinary adventure.