Sweet Tea… in Italia!

Italy, Amazing Food, Love and Wine Y'all!

Apple Cider Vinegar Uses Infographic

Being a Physician by trade, I tend to look at health in the whole body form. Mainly from the inside out. You have your innate intelligence that fights off chemical and bacterial invasions, facilitates all healing and everything that goes on in your body and ultimately helps your body heal itself.  Something a lot of more medical based physicians don’t look at is digestive health.   I’ve read all the crap on this probiotic and that prebiotic,  sure I take probiotics everyday. But, I stumbled across something a long time ago on Dr. Mercola’s webpage about the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV).

“You can easily improve the acid content of your stomach by taking one tablespoon of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar in a large glass of water daily. The pectin in apple cider vinegar may also help to soothe intestinal spasms.”

A year or so back I started drinking this ACV raw and by the shot in the morning, occasionally adding a fresh lemon (if the lemon tree was producing) and I’m pretty tolerant to the tang/slam of ACV in the raw form after many funny faced shots to wake me up in the morning…

Then I heard about the Trim Healthy Mama recipe for Good Girl Moonshine (GGMS).. and I decided to start drinking that, which took the edge off the flavor of the ACV.

So that brings me to the point of this post…. This is a play off of that GGMS.  And again since it is October and it’s time for ad nauseam Pumpkin flavored everything..

My Sweet Mother bought me some Trader Joes Pumpkin Tea… And I got to thinking…  and Decided to make an Apple cider vinegar pumpkin tea drink…

Pumpkin Digestive Drink

1 quart mason jar (with a top or a fancy top pictured above)
100ml Apple Cider Vinegar WITH the mother
A few shakes of ground Ginger
A half dropper full of Stevia
1 Bag of Pumpkin Tea

Heat your water up for your tea however you please, I have an electric kettle and a stovetop one.
Steep your tea for about 5-10 minutes in a medium mug.  There is tea etiquette with how long roobios tea should be steeped…
Take your mason jar, fill it up to the 100ml line on the mason jar. You can use more or less.. I am fond of the vinegary goodness so sometimes I overshoot my mark.  Shake the ginger into the jar a few times to taste (I also like ginger a great deal). add the Stevia to the jar, Again use your discretion of how much you want to use. Add some Ice cubes, pour the steeped tea into the jar and top off with water. Put the cap on and Shake it up.    This is a sipin’ drink.. so sip it all day long if you want to.
and remember to shake before each swig.