Sweet Tea… in Italia!

Italy, Amazing Food, Love and Wine Y'all!

So, Ryan Air was running a deal for a weekend get away. 5 Euros got us to Catania, and 4.80 Euros got us back to Verona. I mean, that was an offer I could not refuse! We went down on Thursday and came back Sunday Morning. I sure have missed Sicily. Finally and Long awaited I finally got to Noto. Noto has always been my favorite city and It really filled my heart with joy to be there. We ate more food than we should have, and it was a whirl wind of mini day trips and fitting in as much as we could before we had to go.

I only ate one Cannolo…… Seriously… I was all about the fish dishes and a meravigghia thing that a chef made…. Swordfish Sausage… Holy cannoli batman…….. ’twas amazing!



Spiaggia di Mare Vecchio

Spiaggia di Gallena

Isola di Ortigia

