Sweet Tea… in Italia!

Italy, Amazing Food, Love and Wine Y'all!

The Recipe!!!

I usually don’t write a bunch of junk when I post a recipe. But I had to say, this was a tough one. I was wanting oatmeal and I went to the store to buy some. We have one kind of oatmeal, and it is not quaker.

Then after I had oatmeal for breakfast and the change in the temperature bought into my mind oatmeal cookies……… Then I thought to myself, “Oh I can make them.” Also no, because I always used the recipe on the oatmeal container…… AHHHHH.

I searched the internet for the recipe, but it seems that everyone wants to change things and not post the original. So I google searched the quaker container pictures and I came up with this picture. I have no idea where I saved it from, but it’s not mine.

Anyways, I am proud to say I am now the proud owner of a heaping mound of Oatmeal cookies.

Oh and incase you wanted to know how much 1/2 cup +6 tbsp of butter is in the metric system. It is 311grams.