Sweet Tea… in Italia!

Italy, Amazing Food, Love and Wine Y'all!

This week I really started work, and I’ve been actually busy. I haven’t let off on my 75hard and actually Today is day 21. I have weighed the same for the past 5 days. Who knows, but I’m doing all the right things.

We actually have some freedom now and I met my friend at our favorite bar for breakfast. I had about 4 coffees and I ate a whole grain brioche with marmalade inside. What a beautiful thing to be able to do.. you have no idea. The lady asked us what we wanted and we both stared at her. I was like I have no idea its been so long and we all laughed a little. I haven’t eaten a brioche in about 8 months…. But I felt so content to see people out and about, I think I actually missed people…

I had a radio interview, live. I went into a panic and couldn’t even remember words in English.. that was a learning experience for me. haha..

I went shopping yesterday, bought a planner and two new books: a big book of herbs and a poetry book 🙂

Today I went to the office for an emergency patient. No good dead goes un punished, as the old story goes.
I was in the roundabout and the tire on my bike blew out. I made it out of the roundabout and onto the sidewalk, I looked and it was flat. No nail, just flat. So I pushed the bike from the outskirts of town, into town and got to the bike shop…… it was closed. Because today is a National Holiday, even the darn supermarket was closed. so I pushed my bike home. And here I am. hahah.

On a good note, I am working on a sfincione palermitano for dinner tonight. I made the dough before I went to the office and when I got home, it has already doubled in size!!!! https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sfincione you can read about it. But, it’s a a type of focaccia bella alta, with tomato sauce. Kind of like the pizza you get a L&B in Brooklyn, My god I miss Brooklyn sometimes. Going to L&B, eating a corner slice and then getting a spumoni. The good ole days 🙂

I still have this