Sweet Tea… in Italia!

Italy, Amazing Food, Love and Wine Y'all!

This has been a busy week. But, I am proud to say, I worked out every day this week! And today, Saturday, I am destroyed.

I need to edit my book, but I decided to post a recipe real quick on an idea I had yesterday at lunch. Yesterday would have been the 19th birthday of my brother in law. Even though he is no longer on this earth, he is still celebrated on his birthday. Usually there is a big party with a band at the restaurant. But, this year due to covid restrictions you are not allowed to have an assembly of more than 10 people.

And the family decided to close the restaurant early and have a private family gathering.

Setting up the tables

But, yesterday at lunch, I was thinking while I was eating black rice and gorgonzola. (I’m really addicted to that stupid rice).

Deviled Eggs have become like a family staple here. And we all love Gorgonzola, why don’t I make Gorgonzola Deviled Eggs…. and oh yes honey I made them. And they were out of this world good, so I recommend trying them.

I had my two sous chefs in the kitchen with me, while I was whipping these little gems up!

Rollo waiting patiently for some scraps to hit the floor
Gemma doing her signature “begging but not begging” face while we are in the kitchen.

We had Pasta with Ragu and Pasta with Meatballs. Then we had pastries from my favorite Pastry shop here. Fat girl ate her heart out last night.


I entitled that picture L’amortadella. Because this is me in my normal habitat, eating Mortadella with Pistacchios! And it is a play on words between L’amore and mortadella.

The night was finished off, buy lighting lanterns that ascend high, and carry the love for the ones we miss, as close to heaven as we can get.