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Ionic colloidal silver, is one of the most powerful antimicrobials known to man.

If you suffer, or you are often dealing with disorders such as inflamed or bleeding gums, dental plaque, periodontitis (or pyorrhea), stuffy nose, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, otitis, inflammation or skin disorders, wounds, burns, cystitis, candida, or infections of any other kind, then I am sure that article will interest you.

Silver, in addition to being a precious metal and an excellent electrical conductor, is also a powerful natural antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-fungal. This medicine dates back thousands of years to the ancient Greeks and the ancient Romans who were extensively using this to disinfect the wounds and to ward off the gangrene.

What is Ionic colloidal silver?

Ionic colloidal silver (ACI) is a suspension of pure silver particles and silver ions in bi-distilled water, obtained by electrolysis. The silver particles remain suspended without dissolving in the liquid, as they are ionized, ie they are electrically charged.

The term ” colloidal ” derives from colloid and indicates a compound in which substances with different physical states are present (silver = solid, distilled water = liquid) which are not soluble among them.

We talk about “silver nanoparticles”, because their dimensions are infinitesimal.

Depending on the size of the particles, the liquid can take different colors: transparent when they are thinner, up to a darker color if the particles are thicker.

The transparent solution , ie where there are smaller particles, is to be preferred , as they can be absorbed more easily by skin and mucous membranes.

Colloidal silver is also odorless and tasteless , or it may have a very slight metallic taste.

How colloidal silver works

Colloidal silver has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties .

The simple presence of colloidal silver in the vicinity of any virus, fungus or mono-cellular pathogenic bacterium will interrupt the enzymatic metabolism of oxygen, also called the chemical lung, causing suffocation and death within no more than 6 minutes.

At that point the immune system, the lymphatic and depurative will take care of the expulsion.

The action of colloidal silver is so fast that the pathogen does not have time to change into a resistant strain , which is often the case with common antibiotics. The time necessary for the fastest cell divisions far exceeds 6 minutes in the meantime the colloidal silver completely eliminates it.

Colloidal silver, on the other hand, is totally harmless for all the multicellular organisms present in our organism, as well as in animals and plants. In fact, high concentrations of silver would be used to produce harmful effects on multicellular organisms.

Possible uses of Colloidal Silver

Ionic colloidal silver can be used to prevent and eradicate different forms of bacterial, viral and fungal infection .

Teeth and gums

Because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action, the Ionic colloidal silver can be used pure (never diluted in water) to use for gargling. In this case it helps to prevent dental plaque and to treat certain related disorders, such as inflammation of the gums, bleeding gums, periodontitis (pyorrhea), etc.

Sore throat, herpes and tonsillitis

As an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, as well as for problems related to the dental sphere, the colloidal silver ionic is very useful in case of sore throat, plaques in the throat and tonsillitis. Just gargle with a few drops of colloidal silver, several times a day. Being also an effective antiviral, it can also be used to eradicate HSV, the cold sores virus.

Otitis, ear infections

otitis , an inflammatory process, often of an infectious nature, affecting the ear. In these cases just apply 2-3 drops of colloidal silver directly into the ear canal, using a dropper and lie down for at least 10 minutes, or longer. After a few minutes, the ear can be drained by rotating the head in the opposite direction, with a gently pressed towel on the ear to collect the liquid.

Sinusitis, stuffy nose

Even in the case of sinusitis, or a stuffy nose filled with mucus , whether or not the ionic colloidal silver can make the difference. In this case, the colloidal silver can be used as a spray, or with a dropper, just as it would be with the physiological solution (drops of salty water), that is, by irrigating the nasal passages. Just apply a few drops directly into the nasal cavity, tilting the head back and letting it drain into the throat.

Acne, cuts, wounds and inflammation of the skin

For facial problems, such as acne and pimples, as well as all inflammation and infections of the skin, wounds, abrasions, burns, sunburn … in all these cases, thanks to its antibacterial action , anti-inflammatory and healing, is a very valuable ally. Just apply a few drops to the affected area, leave for a few minutes and then massage until completely absorbed.

Conjunctivitis, ocular infections

Although it can not properly be indicated as eye drops, the ionic colloidal silver, in the dosage of 1-2 drops per eye (up to twice a day), can help avert ocular infections and inflammations such as conjunctivitis. Hired for a week, it is usually sufficient to evaluate its benefits, as for any other topical remedy.

Also for internal use, or for external use only?

In Italy, since 2009, the Ministry of Health has issued a decree that allows the free sale of colloidal silver specifying in the package that it is a product only and exclusively for external use .

However, it can not be denied that in almost the entire globe the ionic colloidal silver is safely used also for internal use for the treatment of many disorders, both as a supplement, and as a substitute for common antibiotics or other drugs.

For information purposes only, list the main diseases treated by oral use of colloidal silver :

  • Respiratory disorders and infections : flu, cough, pertussis, throat plaques, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, etc.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders : gastritis, ulcers, acidity and heartburn, infections with Helicobacter pylori and Staphilococcus aureus, colitis, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, etc.
  • Urogenital system disorders : cystitis, vaginitis, prostatitis, candida, etc.

Colloidal silver for veterinary use

Also in the animal world (mammals, birds and reptiles) the Ionic colloidal silver can be used for the well-being and the cure, as for example on the dogs for the Leishmaniasis with excellent results and without side effects.

Colloidal silver also facilitates the healing of bite wounds, cuts or lacerations , thanks to its disinfectant and anti-inflammatory action.

Colloidal silver has expiration date?

Colloidal silver does not expire, but its effectiveness declines progressively over time .

It becomes less effective because ionic particles tend to come together to form larger particles that, if too large, have difficulty coming into contact with pathogenic germs.

After one year, an Ionic colloidal silver at 12 ppm may be reduced to a concentration of 8-10 ppm.

It always remains effective, but should be used with a higher dosage.

To maintain high efficacy it is important to keep it in a cool and dark environment, far from heat sources.

Contraindications and side effects

Ionic colloidal silver is contraindicated to people allergic to silver .

In all other cases the Ionic colloidal silver is absolutely harmless to humans and can be safely used even by young and old children. The only thing, if taken orally and for many days in a row, could lead to an imbalance of intestinal flora. Therefore, in these cases it is advisable to supplement by taking milk enzymes.

For pregnant women, it is advisable to consult with your doctor before use.

Colloidal silver can cause argyria?

There is no correlation between argyria and the use of colloidal silver at low concentrations (below 25 ppm). But we all saw the blue “smurf” man on tv all those years back. He was not safely using colloidal silver. So it is up to you to choose whether or not to comply with this rule.

Where to buy Colloidal Silver?

You can get it in most health food stores, herb stores, some pharmacies and online.

That is a link to amazon, this was my go to brand.

Then I also used a brand that I carried in my office, at the time you could only get as a physician. Argentyn 23.

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