This horse fair was beautiful in every way. I got there right after school, and I was waiting on my friends to come and join me. I entered first and then went to explore a little and I came upon an arena and I started watching a free style dressage show, and I saw a horse that looked like Tattoo.. and I had this rush of emotions come over me and I started to cry so hard. it was terrible, I had all these emotions I thought I had worked out come rushing up that I had a mini panic attack. I miss my horses over everything else, something that was so much a part of my life for so long.. and then nothing… I don’t know how I can live without horses but, i’m managing. I was barely hanging on at that show. Once my friends got there… I was ok.. I don’t think they knew how I was feeling, but I just watched the shows and started compartmentalising everything and burying the feelings back down. It was rough, but I watched a show about the breeds of horses here in Italy and it was amazing and beautiful. I highly recommend this fair if anyone reading ever has a chance to see it.. It is amazing….