Sweet Tea… in Italia!

Italy, Amazing Food, Love and Wine Y'all!

We headed on down to Alabama this weekend, on our way to Houston.  We had a great time..
My Stallion ran so hard.. he was asleep laying down in his stall by the time I made it back out there to feed him.  I was really tired.  I was running two horses on 4 stages.. and It was a TON of work..
But, I’m confident in both of my horses that they will do great..and as long as I am focused everything will be lovely ๐Ÿ™‚
Seriously though,  I went to Cocaines stall and found him laying down…  I opened the stall door walked in with him and kneeled by him and started petting him..  I told him he has been doing really great and he was a good boy.. and that I had his dinner all fixed up for him… and he had to get up.. so I walked back out of his stall…. and the joker was just looking at me.. so I put his food down next to him.. and he just started eating it.. haha… He’s got such a great personality… I love him so much ๐Ÿ™‚

Here is a video of us ๐Ÿ™‚
So also while In alabama…. Some people were pretty tore up on idiot oil… so much so, that they started taking their clothes off… because he was hot sitting next to the fire… and he was wearing long johns… So to be an ass you gotta ask.. “when you looked at the weather forecast before you got dressed and saw that it was going to be a high of 75 today, at what point did you decide to put long johns on?”  the guy said he liked long johns and he liked wearing them around the house..  hahahahah  You can’t make this stuff up…

Got a busy little week before I hop on a jetplane and head to Texas ๐Ÿ™‚

But updates to follow!