Sweet Tea… in Italia!

Italy, Amazing Food, Love and Wine Y'all!

Halloween at the office

Saturday I got Ragnar in a english saddle and did some groundwork.. then tried to jump him.. I first tried an 18″fence which he knocked down.. so I changed it to cross rails and he sailed over it… he was kinda squirrley but, did well enough for him to have potential….  Then I changed saddles and worked cows with him.. which he picked up on rather quickly.. he wasn’t as bad ass as Maggie is on a cow.. but he did awesome…   I then told my cowboy that I have officially made my mind up about him.. and I wanted to keep him.. I have also made arrangements for Spartan to go with a Jumping trainer friend of mine… so He’s going to be sold.. to help pay for Ragnar..

Saturday night I get a call from my dad.. he’s way in the back pasture.. he tells me to bring the truck he shot a big deer….

Holy crap… it was a nice 8 pointer with a 15″ spread…
we brought it up to the processor…

Sunday cleaned up the bike and headed to meet Randy and one other Friend Wayne, and headed to Clinton for the benefit ride…

The Bikes lined up.. Randy in the picture

Me on our bike

that was pretty neat… the whitten center is for mentally challenged, disabled and birth defected children and adults…  they were all out in their chairs and stretchers and waving as about a mile long line of motorcycles went by waving at them…

Then got back home and I rode Ragnar again trying to figure out some turns..

and that was about the end of the weekend..