I left out of Spartanburg Airport at 5am my time. I had woken up early around 4am. When i got up to the gate, I tried to upgrade my ticket for the phoenix half of the trip. and the lady behind the counter told me… “I’m sorry your ticket are not upgradeable”.. I, confused, asked the lady why. She said the price I paid for them was not enough to make them upgradeable….. Well Screw Delta and you is pretty much what came out of my mouth… after boarding the plane we landed in Detroit around 7 (still my time) and I figured I would eat something there, until I found out that I got to the gate and the plane was boarding.. after boarding the plane bound for Phoenix, I was starving.. like stomach eating away at your backbone hungry…
So, the stewardess comes around with the cart.. after I had a miscommunication of miscommunications.. I finally got a snack pack… about 4 hours into this plane ride.. I had to pee something fierce.. So I waited for the second go round of the cart banging into peoples knees and arms to go by, and the captain put on the fasten safety belt signs… so my eyes were floating.. I really had to use the facilities… finally the aisle was clear and I get up from my seat and bound to the obnoxiously small toilet in the back of the plane.. the stewardess from before catches me before I hit the door and she says “Mam, the captian HAS the Fasten safety belt sign on, you are not supposed to be out of your seat”.. like she seriously said that to me… I was like.. stunned the lady said something.. so I told her “do you want me to pee my pants?” and she gasped, acting shocked like no one ever smart mouthed her before.. and she said “you are at your own risk”. HOLY CRAP BATMAN…….. Anyways.. I get inside the coffin like bathroom pee, then start banging into the walls making noises… I thought it was funny… she gave me a look where I think she might have told me to eat some poo and die… she really wouldn’t have said the four letter adjective for it… you know the one that starts with S and ends in a T! hahaha..The lady next to me starts talking to me after we were making our way to the tarmac, and she was telling me I made a mistake by not renting a car early… I took that with a grain salt.. she was a pilates instructor going on a retreat with 6 other women….. yeah…
so I take the little tram to the rental car area, and started working the rental car places…
come to find out… I got a convertable red mustang for half the price and headed out towards the hotel…
Not before stopping to eat at some random mexican place… that was called Macayo… now…. let me just tell you what..
Arizona has the best darn mexican food I have ever eaten in my life..
I get in there.. and start looking at the menu.. and the little mexican feller brings chips and salsa and some hot salsa… holy crap.. the hot salsa was AWESOME.. and the chips were fresh.. I’m like.. i’m sold on this crap… so then I asked the waiter named Ricardo hahaha, about these fried peppers that they have available.. he tells me in his broken english that they were good and I should try them.. they are surprise. hahah.. so I order them.. HOLY CRAP.. they were fried Jalapenos and habanero and poblanos, with some dipping sauces… ohhhh man.. that was good..
Just look at the Chile Rellenos………
after stuffing my face full of mexican goodness at 11am there, 2pm my time.. off again to the hotel… got there.. and took a nap… then got up and met a very very special lady that I have known for 11 years.. and never met before.. We met over the phone while I was working at a internet company in Atlanta.. and she so happened to call up one night needing some help with her computer and I got her call.. so we got to talking.. she loved Doberman’s and Corvettes and we just hit it off.. and she told me after we were done working on her computer that if I wanted to keep in touch to email her.. and I did.. and we have been emailing each other ever since.. so much to the point that she is like family.. and I often refer to her as my Aunt Carole 🙂 we had a lovely lovely dinner… and that is how I ended the first day in Arizona 🙂